[Spoilers All] How was 'Dragon Age: Inquisition' received by the wider gaming community?

My own thoughts on what 'Dragon Age: Inquisition' did well and what it did not:

The thing I love the most about DAI are the companions and advisors. They are all so different from each other, well written and I don't feel like the writers want to force me into linking them (a feeling I had when interacting with Liara in 'Mass Effect'). Characters like Vivienne and Sera are intentionally polarising, and that's a good thing.
Other things I like are the graphics (duh), the story, how the game handled the topic of "faith", the game's general inclusivity and its armor designs and crafting system.

The thing I dislike the most about DAI is the lack of cutscenes. I understand why they decided to do it the way they did, but in the end it just made me feel a bit disconnected from the inquisitor and really everyone you talked to in that not-cutscene-mode. Also, I feel like having all those fetch quests be presented with dialogue and cutscenes would have gone a long way in making them seem less boring. Other things I don't like are the side quests, a lack of personality for the inquisitor, the pricing of the 'Descent' DLC (I think 8€ would have been more reasonable), the existence of 'Spoils of the Avaar/Qunari' (they should have been part of 'Jaws of Hakkon'/'Trespasser') and the anticlimactic ending which could have been improved by not having the inquisitor basically win every fight against Corypheus after Haven.

Overall I still love DAI just as much as DA2 and DAO, and I hope the franchise will continue despite the negativity it faces. What's really going to decide the future of the franchise is probably if DAI made enough money, and that I do not know.

/r/dragonage Thread