(Spoilers All) A Rape Victim Speaks Out on the Sansa Scene

I get that this person was triggered by a rough scene in a tv show. You shouldn't watch GoT if you're easily triggered. There are harsh realities in the medieval time period that are often never acted on screen however the series has chosen to have adult content and that sometimes means there will be violence against women in that show.

That's a time period where it was a common reality.

What happened to Sansa is a stark reality in that world in that time; she is living up to her name as she loses her name in marriage. The events have shifted enough that Sansa could have chosen to be wed and accepted her fate as a wife of a psychopath. For many months she dreaded marrying Joffery and he abused her even to the point of humiliating her by forcing the marriage of her to a dwarf, and Joffery despised his uncle too so it was all a huge joke for him.

Sansa has grown though. She has through humiliation realized that there is one possible way to improve her life and that is by accepting the pain others deliver and then eliminating them when possible.

When she agreed to marry this madman known for flaying his enemies out of delight, she knew it was not going to be flower pedals and satin sheets. Now of course after this event she may regret utterly. I'm sure she is regretting her choice to marry this madman. It's possible though that she will become very strong from this event. It's tough to say.

I'm rooting for her. I hope she ends this psycho and weds someone worthy. Perhaps the Lannister boy king? He's a nice guy actually.

Sansa will either choose one path or another and each path will have thorns for her to scrape through.

/r/asoiaf Thread Link - angrygotfan.com