(Spoilers Everything) That was no sacrifice

Well, I PMed you about 2 hours ago when you repeated the same argument 3 times. I've quite recovered.

I don't know why you keep acting like it's "weird" I'm disagreeing with you when you repeatedly ignore my arguments. But, if you're so put off by it, fine. I'll leave you alone now.

Here's what I PM'd to /u/drunkmall everyone:

to drunkmall sent 2 hours ago

It's a fucking fantasy show. All you're saying is "we've never seen that before." Meanwhile it's obviously a major event on the show. You're getting nasty. Enough. You disagree, I'm done arguing with you. permalink

[–]from drunkmall sent 2 hours ago


I'm not cursing at you or making accusations towards your behavior. I'm discussing a television show, calmly and rationally. permalink delete report block user mark unread reply

[–]to drunkmall sent 2 hours ago

No, you're setting up straw men and ignoring the cinematic language of the scene. I've gotten in too many arguments like this, I'd appreciate if we could just agree to disagree. permalink

[–]from drunkmall sent 2 hours ago

I'm not saying, "You're wrong so you should hate yourself and die" or anything.

I'm saying I disagree with your theory and putting forward what I feel are very valid reasons for my position. You seem to be having an extremely emotional reaction to this, so if you'd like to discontinue the conversation at this point then that's fine. I'd just like to point out that at no point have I intentionally antagonized you or attacked you beyond stating my own understanding of a television show as it conflicts with yours. permalink delete report block user mark unread reply

[–]to drunkmall sent 2 hours ago

You're right, you're not saying "you should hate yourself and die."

Instead, you're saying something on a fantasy TV show can't happen because it hasn't happened before, and then you're drawing pejorative inferences regarding this.

There's another guy in the conversation who is also disagreeing with you, and he's basically saying exactly what I would've said: at some point, you have to realize that our answer is probably more accurate if only because Bran isn't shown to be controlling anyone in the dream, Wylis seems to be experiencing his own death, and Hodor is hearing his own voice in his head as if he is thinking it in his internal monologue while Wylis in the past is saying it.

I'm not being emotional, I think your tone wasn't as fair as you think it was (maybe English isn't your first language), and I think your argument is basically stupid. "That can't happen because that's not how it works because I said so."

Anyway, I think you should learn when to drop something. It's usually when the other person says "let's drop it."

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