Spotted a bachelor group in Munich

I had a ring given to Panzer Tank operators, I believe it was for graduating from the training academy? I really had no use for it, and it disgusted me that my dad gave it to me.

1) Because my daughter is of Jewish heritage on her mom's side. 2) My dad tried to play up the fact my Great Uncle was in the Nazi Party, and eventually was in a arm of the military. He doesn't disclose the fact that a lot of people were basically forced to join, my Great Uncle had actually saved a few families because he'd let people pass thru check points, and he died from alcoholism. Even after I found a small article in Military History magazine on him and a few other soldiers (this was when Schindlers list just came out so a lot of periodicals were writing articles on other people who had similar experiences), basically showing the man wasn't who my dad thought.

I eventually just left the ring at my exes and told her she can do whatever she wanted with it, I think she gave it to a wartime memorabilia collector.

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