St. Ranger -- Happy [alternative/surf rock] (2016) Solo project of Shawn Harris from the Matches

St Ranger
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Facebook: Free download: Twitter: @StRangerArizona Instagram: @StRangerArizona

“Media outside our state tend to focus on weird and abrasive bands like Destruction Unit and Gay Kiss as being representative of the Sonoran region (they really like the word ‘Sonoran’), and that’s fair. We live in a place that is, by nature of climate and sociology, fairly weird and abrasive. But those bands have a sense of urgency. St Ranger doesn’t, and they feel just as Sonoran because of it. ‘You don’t have to try so hard,’ the band says repeatedly in a song of the same name. It’s a fitting mantra for feeling powerless against the summer heat, succumbing to jumping in a pool or day-drinking or doing both at the same time.

…But watching them Friday, I felt as if I was watching a bizarro version of the local band Diners. It was like what would happen if that band decided to invest in a bunch of pedals and only do slow jams. I am not saying this in any way to cheapen what St Ranger does, only to point out convergent and divergent evolutions of local guitar-driven pop bands that all probably share Pet Sounds as a common influence.”

-Phoenix NewTimes on St Ranger live

St Ranger is currently working on recording new material and playing shows around the Southwest. Keep up with their tour schedule here:

A free download of Life Coach here:

Last posted: 971 days ago by u/chefsailor. 736 listeners, 2,572 plays
tags: seen live, under 2000 listeners

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