state of control warrior discussion

Allright, even though I don't want to share my deck to wide in the open (it might be a new breed of cancer), I'll tell you the essential parts of the current state of CW.

The oldschool CW Build is good, but only in a slow environment. You can play it on Tournaments, you was able to play it on ladder before zoo was a thing, but you can't really play it anymore because the meta is too fast.

I'll explain the problem in a simple example: You play against Zoo, he's got a pretty full board with, let's say 4 3/3 minions. Just as an example. If you now play Cairne, you definitely get 12+ damage to face. Is this worth for playing Cairne? Not really. Same problem with Sylvanas and Rag, even though Rag might be able to do something on that board so you only suck up 9 damage. Or lose your rag.

CW isn't about "LOOK AT MY FANCY LEGENDARY COLLECTION" anymore. It changed to surviving by any means and clearing the board.

Now we look at Iron Juggernaut. Beautiful card, isn't it? 10 Damage + 6/5 for only 6 Mana. Mages hate us for eternity because of that thing, even though we hate Mages for the crappy Mortal Strike aka "KamikazeFireball".

Anyway, Juggernaut is only good if you can get the 10 damages out. To guarantee this, we have to wait untill fatigue, or atleast untill the oponent has less then 10 cards left (it's a 10% chance from then on which is fine-ish). We therefor need to survive untill this state happens.

So to conclude: We want Removal and Sustain to play big stuff in the late state of the game.

How do we get this?

Warrior is the master of removal. Grab Whirlwind + Sheep (the "Sheeplewind") to rape Zoolocks and Mechmages, Grab Executes and maybe one crush against controll guys, grab a bouncing blade because it's awesome (especially if you can drink the tears of the handlocks that get their T4 Mountain Giants stomped to the ground or the paladins that can't follow the light anymore). And to sum everything up, get yourself 2 Shield Slams. You will see why. To get really save, we need some weapons. They're good in the early game (Fiery win axe) and give you another Whirlwind because whirlwinds are awesome (Death's Bite). Now that might look good enough, but I tell you, it's still not enough against "you can't take my board mimimi"- Mech Mages. We need some more. Add Korkron and and Bomb Lobbers to the meal to spice it up a bit more.

How does warrior sustain? With best Heropower in the world, Shield Block and Shield Maidens. Don't fall into the Armorsmithtrap, even though every warrior runs them, they pretty much suck in comparision to Shield Maiden.

Now about that lategame damage... I told ya about the glorious juggernaut. This one is a must have in my opinion. Nothing beats that guy. Literally. 10k more value than dr. Boom and the best Legendary in my whole deck. Okay, I calm down now x)

Alex is pretty mandatory aswell. It saves ass and gives damage, depending on what you need at the moment.

Grom is cool because and only because of the 10 damage charge. You can replace him by Rag (if you have him), Gorehowl or maybe an Arcanite Reaper. If you chose the weapons, don't attack minions with them, you kill yourself in the process. That's btw why I dislike Gorehowl at all, it's just a suicidal axe.

Add an acolite of pain for draw.

Cards I dislike and wouldn't play even though everyone does:

Cruel Taskmaster: Not enough synergy in that deck and 1 Health removal is useless due to whirlwinderino

Inner Rage: same here

Armorsmith: Well, it didn't fit in anymore. I always kinda liked the card because of 1k Whirlwinds, but you don't have enough minions to boost it up anymore. It often only gives you 1 Armor, which is useless for a 1/4 body. It's just not good enough in the current meta.

[insert random legendary here]: it's too slow. Most oponents (Face [class here] and Mechmages) ignore it completely.

I think this was enough insight for now. Maybe I'll share the decklist itself and give a streamlink if enough people are interested in it. Not sure though, I don't want to be the founder of a new breed of cancer, because I know how ridiculously good the deck is. You can even beat Mechmage pretty easily with it (I think it's about 60% winchance, if not more) and it's strong against everything if you get the right cards at the right time.

And yeah, I'm pretty bored at work xD

Regards Frostwyrmer

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