STD collectors of reddit, which was your most memorable diagnosis and which is your proudest?

I was on holiday, I got a snapchat from an old flame and we were in the same country, so she made the trek to my hotel. we got down to it and we spent the whole night doing the nasty.. a few days later I wake up and piss just straight blood. nothing but blood. fill the toilet bowl with blood. i almost fainted because i think i had some sortve jungle STI or something.

an ultrasound concluded that during the night she slid back so far, bent my dick so far back it tore the muscle and ruptured blood vessels so that explained the litre of blood I pee'd.

follow up STI check did conclude tho I got 'mycoplasma genitalium' very rare and hard to detect/cure STI. $280 worth of meds later i was all better.

/r/AskReddit Thread