Was I stealthed? :/ Kinda worrying now.

None of us were there as a witness, and none of us had a camera running to watch the playback, so anything is possible. It's entirely up to you to play safe, and even if you take every precaution, you're still not safe if you don't know your partner well enough to have a trust issue like this.

I come from a kissing family when we greet each other.

I don't know if they have recently contracted herpes before we give a peck on the lips. One of my brothers or my sister could have sucked a dirty cock the night before and I would never know until the drinks are poured and we start getting a little loose in what we talk about in our lives. And bloody Hell, I could take a drink of beer from a bottle or glass that someone just drank from and catch any number of infections.

Touch a door handle, sit on a toilet seat, shake hands with anyone, or even hug a child. Everything we do in life is a vector for the transmission of disease. But thankfully we live in a world that most bacteria and virus don't kill us, and this is proven by our population growth as a species.

When I was born there were about 3 billion people on this planet, and in the short time of one lifespan there are now about 7.5 billion. So we're either incredibly successful as a species, or we're doing something incredibly wrong to have a growth rate like that in 70 years.

He could have pulled the condom off and gone back in without you knowing, and even precum can even be a vector, or he pulled it off when you hope he did and you trust him enough to believe that. But every encounter carries a risk even if you take all the precautions available to you.

You get fucked, and really, you could be seriously fucked. It's the chance all of us take to be alive, and a risk all of us take to continue to be alive. But as I said, none of us were there watching the action, so none of us can answer your question and be 100% sure we are giving you the right answer.

/r/gaybros Thread