Steam Paid Mods Megathread

Mods replied in this topic

Some quotes:

I'm not wholly convinced that Valve has partnered with ISIS to launch a holy war against all white heterosexual men, as the subreddit's knee-jerk reaction seems to put Valve's decision at. The community as a whole is not in a reasonable state right now. If everyone calms down, then maybe we'll consider it.

That said, even if I was convinced to swap the banners, there are still several problems regarding it: what to put there that scales nicely to 1440p displays, and how to get the CSS in a workable fashion? That shit in our old version of Edurne was not built for scalability, and adding in the degree of flexibility that I'm targeting for the new design will take a fair bit of work to ensure compatibility. My attention is already torn in twelve different directions between Echo, Nephelai, the flair revamp, all of my other projects, and real life. Doing this right now is not in the cards.


You mean in between the 600+ posts posted about the subject from news, to feelings to satirical notions and about 10-20 posts with this specific idea, you think it's a majority vote?

Please stop berating something based on minority opinion, if we would listen to every single notion someone makes we can just start changing the entire sub for any news that is controversial.

Nobody's ignoring you, we're assessing the situation.

If the policy stays we'd probably change the header because it's funny, but realistically GabeN is probably just finding out that people are unhappy it would take at least 48 hours for a professional and official response to be drawn up.

~ Friendly greetings to all the rest from this "minority"

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