Stephen A. Smith screaming incoherently for 3 minutes. If you ever needed evidence why ESPN is losing viewers.

The thing is, we sort of have ourselves to blame. In 1990, baseball was struggling. The MLB noticed that people couldn't really keep up with their favorite teams because, unless they were reading the box scores, they had no idea what was happening around the league or who was doing well. So ESPN stepped in with "Baseball Tonight". Now every night you got a recap of all the top plays and scores of every game. Instead of following 15 games, you watched one one-hour show. It was revolutionary.

But, people still didn't care too much. This one hour was enough coverage. And then.... Fantasy sports. It started with Baseball. In the late 90s fantasy baseball was growing. Leagues were becoming more accessible because of the internet allowing instantaneous stats. (Anyone else remember calculating your players' points using the sports section box scores?)

But as more people joined, they realized they didn't know shit about baseball, so they began flocking to baseball tonight for the reader's digest version. And BT started incorporating that into their show: fantasy predictions, movers and shakers, injuries, suspensions, etc. But it wasn't enough...

Fantasy football emerged as the dominant fantasy sport in the early 2000s. Only problem was there are only 16 games per week. What the fuck are they gonna talk about the other 6 days? We gave them the answer: fantasy fucking sports. Predictions, highlights, stats, records, awards, rankings, bloopers... All of it. And we loved it. PTI circa 2004 was gold. And then around the horn, and all these other panel shows feeding us our drug. We need more! Who should I play? Who should I pick up? Who should I let go? Who's gonna win it all? Who's gonna fire their coach? How fat is Jamarcus Russel gonna get?

So yes, Long story short, ESPN sucks. But it's our fault. Fantasy sports ruined every thing.

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