Stoned and alone... [7]

I think everyone reacts to smoking slightly differently, but I can definitely understand how you feel. Personally, when I used to get too high around other people I would get too in my head and begin to feel uncomfortable, but on my own being high was always a more pleasant experience, and I felt like I could make the most of my highs. For me, that meant watching a good movie and eating a snack I had been saving for the occasion, or even just laying in bed with my eyes closed and listening to an album (good quality headphones are a must have for the solo stoner). Try finding things that you enjoy more while stoned, and stick to them if you start to feel weird when you're high and alone. Maybe its cooking, or gardening, or even playing video games. And if none of that works, just don't smoke when you're alone. What you described is exactly how I feel about alcohol, when I'm drunk with friends I feel that I'm sociable and fun to be around, but when I get home and I'm drunk alone I get anxious and nauseous. It was an easy fix, now I only drink when I'm out with friends! If you can't find anything you love to do while stoned, make getting high a social occasion only. This subreddit is great, and maybe I have no right to talk because I smoke daily, but there's nothing wrong with being an occasional smoker. Overexposure to weed and getting really good at and used to being high alone can lead to dependence and substance abuse. Just because it not unhealthy for your body doesn't mean it's good for your productivity or mind, and being sober when you're home doesn't sound like a bad plan either. Good luck with your trip!

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