Stop The Robots: Pic from anti-AI rally at SXSW

I'm making this a separate reply because it is tangential to the central idea of my last post.

To build upon the idea of intelligence not being an on/off thing, and to give you an idea of what it looks like as a machine learns, here's a natural language processing program trying to figure out how to speak English. The idea behind this app is to map written language into a semantic space. It's hard to pick a point at which it sounds 'intelligent' (though at this point it sounds pretty stupid), but it's a very subtle gradient between dumb and smart, and you can always fake being dumb.

[code] Opened file... Loaded model. Doing additional training. :D"C1;TSLbbbdi)g,Hd7mh}JbHg!H" Run time: 24.367983333333335 minutes

(Removing extra output for each training iteration. These take about 30 minutes each.)

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