Struggling with attention to detail / communication at work. Anyone relating to this? Advice?

Thanks for the suggestions!

1) Yes, this is a bit of a problem. Right now we submit work to my Director who was hired to sit between the analysts and the VP, to help review work, and organize the team. However, the Director also wants work that's accurate and complete even when submitting a draft version, so this means the onus is back on me to review and catch all my mistakes prior to submission. Not to say I shouldn't be held accountable but it definitely creates a single point of failure system in terms of maintaining your brand internally.

2) We do have a Trello board as a team but it's very high level as the VP is using it to track projects for the entire vertical. As a result I created a more detailed status/task tracker but I don't think it's fully serving my needs here.

On your last point I honestly think this is a great idea. Perhaps creating a high level mind map or process map will really help me. Having something visual will likely help me remember and consume my trackers.

Thanks again I'll check out those resources to see how well it works for me!

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