Study: Atheists behave more fairly toward Christians than Christians behave toward atheists

It seems a lot of people are collapsing this into "Atheists are nicer to Christians than Christians are to Atheists".

That's not what the study is saying, it's saying Atheists treated people the same regardless of faith, while Christians gave preferential treatment to other Christians. At the same time the Christians were more generous to both Atheists and Christians than Atheists were to either.

Here's what they did (basically). They gave each person 5 coins and told them to share what they wanted, (and that the other person would give them a "reputation score"). Christians shared a mean of 2.46 to atheists, and 3.05 to other Christians. Atheists gave 2.35 to other atheists, and 2.25 Christians.

I'm skeptical as to how broadly applicable this is, but looking at the numbers the Christians seem to have been almost exactly fair to atheists (2.5/2.5 split of money) and extra nice to other Christians (taking the lesser part in 2/3 split). Atheists were pretty close to fair too (2.25 or 2.35), but were more "fair" in that the difference between in-group and out-group was smaller (0.10 vs 0.59).

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