[Study] Holy crap. Lard regrows hair!

This is one of the most atrocious articles ever written on AGA lol. Because of the translations I can't tell if this was self reported or carried out by a lab, I can't tell if this was just one person photographed out of a group or just one test subject lol.

That being said, the results are substantial and warrant further investigation.

My best guess for how this works: hair loss is not necessarily hair falling out, but rather the long term process of your healthy scalp tissue slowly becoming more and more like scar tissue, because those are the only two options for skin cells - either be healthy or become fibrous (scar) tissue.

The most notable difference between healthy skin tissue and fibrous tissue is the lack of fat. Lard is just animal fat. If this actually works, my guess would be is it has something to do with healing fibrous tissue.

/r/tressless Thread