Subreddit Policy Reminder on this week's Transgender AMAs

But surely gender dysphoria is a prerequisite to transgenderism?

From a physician's point of view, dysphoria is the basis for treatment. A person's feeling of discomfort, distress, etc are reasons to treat (eg with hormones, surgery, or social adaptation). They are not defining of transgenderism, but the term we use to facilitate gender-affirming care for transgender individuals.

A transgender person can have no gender dysphoria. This would indicate that they are happy with and feel affirmed in the gender in which they live. In this case there would be no need for new treatment.

Further, I would argue that the DSM-5 makes a mistake in treating gender dysphoria as a "one way street" (ie only applying to transgenderism). Cisgender individuals can experience gender dysphoria. A woman who has a mastectomy and feels like she "isn't enough of a woman anymore" is experiencing an emotional conflict between her bodily markers of sex and her social role of gender. A man who has low testosterone and feels like "nobody recognizes I'm a man" is experiencing discomfort in conflict between his development of secondary sex characteristics and the expectations of the way he lives within and through his role as "a man." That's gender dysphoria, and I feel like we are making a mistake by not making the diagnosis something that can apply to cisgender individuals as well.

/r/science Thread Parent