They want to subvert you so you believe their bullshit about your own freedom all while you live without the luxuries the state worker pig class are neuralised by

China. You mean the country that oppresses people with a social credit system. A country which is actively engaging in a globally recognized genocide.

Vietnam which is used as slave labor for American corporations and has nominal GDP per capital outside of the top 100.

And Cuba which has to rebuild spark plugs for cars built in the 1950's.

Sure. If you're okay with having a crappy, low paying job and living in slum-like conditions, by all means, move to a communist country.

China is the only country that could be considered thriving, and its because it's not a true communist country. They are set up more of an oligarchy similar to Russia (and the US to a lesser extent).

None of those places have a high quality of life. What benefits do those countries have over places like Norway, Sweden, Finland, and other social democracies around the world?

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