[Suggestion] New Emote: The Carlton

I'm a day one player, did vault a week after it opened, did hard mode in a similar time span. Got Dark Below and HoW, Crotas end was fun but glitchy as hell. HoW was half decent, prison of elders was enjoyable and Trials of Osiris was excellent. After buying well over £100 of game, TTK had a semi decent campaign and quests, but it was over pretty quickly. It was then just a grind for blues to get to 300, I did the Kings Fall as it released, it was very fun! Likewise hard mode was appropriately tough to begin with.

After my experience of this very expensive game, Bungie have done so little to reward loyal players. All old items are outdated, the 'exclusive' year 1 stuff was offered to new players on a plate. There simply isn't enough current content to make the game fun and exciting. Just level up old raids, prison etc. Instead they introduced shit like the emotes for silver and the sparrow racing league (going in circles to ultimately achieve the same ring chance at hard mode oryx loot). The only thing I look forward to is iron banner and they had to mess with the timings because of SRL. Recruit a friend is the newest technique, bring a friend so we can get more money and you get exclusive loot. To further insult the loyal players, everything that we bought for a lot of money in total is constantly on and off sale for ludicrously cheap prices. If you have time to design all those god damn emotes, a recruit a friend system and shit like SRL, you have some time to improve and repurpose old content first.

The micro transactions in Destiny ruined my faith in their ability to focus on important game elements. If you were distracted from the lack of content by Sparrow Racing League and the Carlton Dance then they worked.

/r/StarWarsBattlefront Thread Parent Link - 45.media.tumblr.com