Sure, Ted.

Actually, consistency is all that matters.

1 + 1 should always be 2. Saying 1 + 1 = 2 sometimes, and sometimes 1 + 1 = 3 causes problems.

Someone saying they hate Ted and think he's full of shit (thats cool in my book if you think this, I'll even high five you!), yet next moment saying that every action related to Ted is authentic and true and you hate what he just said, is hypocrisy.

You can't just be a skeptic one moment over person A's statements, then grossly captivated and convinced about person A's statements intentions 100% based on nothing else but his own words (the very words you called bullshit in other circumstances, because he's untrustworthy), because all you're doing is flip flopping what and when you believe in order to maintain one consistency: dislike of someone.

You're mixing "I identify the words coming out of this person to be representative of what he thinks" and "I think this person does not mean anything he says" in order to satisfy hatred and logical inconsistencies

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