Suzy's Etsy Exposé: Jewelry, Part 4: Fake Sterling Silver Chains?

Not sure how people will react to what I'm saying but I figured I'd give my two cents. I don't watch Suzy at all, never really cared to, but what she's doing really isn't all that different to what cash for gold channels do. She's probably even selling her shit cheaper than what they would. Also lets be real here, almost nobody who's been bitching and whining saying "woe is me she's fucking us blah blah blah" has bought anything from her lol It's just a bunch of people jumping on the bandwagon to let out their own frustrations on somebody else. It's the same crowd mentality the GG followers have when they rush to someone on the GG's defense. Lets not forget that for anyone that actually did buy anything from her, it wasn't because she said "sterling silver, imported from Italy, local places etc" it was strictly because they wanted to feel like they had something to do with, or even feel closer to her, Arin or GG as a whole. Not saying the over priced items being sold to her fans is right, it's downright shady. I'm just saying shut the fuck up about the "false advertisement" complaints. People are just looking for reasons to hate on her now. Don't buy anything from her if you KNOW it isn't worth its weight in salt. For those of you that do buy anything from her, it's entirely on you and nobody else you should have enough common sense to check if you can get the same thing for cheaper somewhere else, in fact you probably know you can but choose not to. Quit being assholes for the sake of being assholes, it's over and done with, people know about the etsy ordeal. It's fucked up but what can you really do? The legality issues people have brought up revolving around this isn't even enough to be taken to small claims court. It's just a bunch of assholes stretching the entire thing out as far as possible to make it seem much worse than it actually is. It isn't illegal what she's doing, it's downright fucked up but it isn't illegal. And I know I probably seem like I'm taking her side, but this isn't the case, It's just all I've seen revolving around the etsy scam, is people being downright ugly and mean, saying nothing but the most hurtful of things you could possibly say to a person. Not like you're trying to alert people, or confront someone about a problem you have with what they're doing, but more like you're downright trying to destroy that person, maybe not so much in this thread, but the one Arin got involved with was just nasty. It wasn't even civil, It was just a bunch of ugly, and nasty people sinking even lower than Suzy just to hurt her as much as they possibly could have. It was shown entirely evident when the same exact people, who were saying the most cruel of things, settled down their tones and immediately turned back into a human being again once your "Daddy Egoraptor" decided to point it out himself. If the buyers have a real problem with it let them settle it themselves, otherwise it isn't anyone else's business what she does with her little "shop".

/r/rantgrumps Thread