The top comment on the Game Grumps new post about Dan being sick is "...don't kill yourselves to please toxic fans", and all I gotta ask is...

I have a genuine question here; how does Dan being sick have anything to do with them missing a compilation upload?

I understand that him being under the weather would mean that they’d have trouble filming normal Grump episodes and keeping up that part of the schedule, and I’d accept if they mentioned his illness being a reason for some of the episodes to get delayed, but compilations are purely a task for the editors, and Dan isn’t an editor. It kind of just sounds like they’re using Dan being sick as a cover for the editors getting careless and missing an upload that was entirely their job to put up.

Maybe they are getting flustered trying to get enough videos together for the holidays, but it just seems like the compilation upload is something they could’ve managed regardless of whether Dan is sick or not.

/r/rantgrumps Thread