Unpopular Opinion

Yes, of course we do. Everybody does. If you say you never complained because you missed out on something because work, personal life, etc., you are a liar.

Yeah, I've missed shit before because of personal matters but I move on, there's no point in getting butt hurt over something I can't control. You just gotta go "Oh well, nothing I can really do about that" and move on. That's how it is for me at least.

Those are two totally different things. It only takes on click and they could archive their videos for everyone around the world to watch. How does that compare to not getting one of a limited amount of tickets or not being able to go to the concert? One is something you have to be there, the other one is something you can experience later one and enjoy it all the same.

That is a valid point but I was more getting at the fact that this situation is better. If you miss a live stream at least you still get daily content from them in comparison to a concert where it is basically a once in a blue moon experience. Yeah, you could consider listening to their music whenever you want as "daily content" but it's not fresh.

Again, you get the same experience when you watch it later, as you get when you watch it live. The only difference is the chat and many people don't care for that anyway. Many streamers archive there videos because they don't want to alienate people who can't watch because of work, family or living on the other side of the globe. I never heard someone complain that watching it later doesn't feel the same. Many even prefer it, because you can pause the videos.

You don't really get the same experience. The whole point of a live stream is interacting with your favorite Youtubers via the chat box. Yeah, some people may not care for that but that is the main point of a live stream. Archived live streams are basically just long episodes which the grumps do on occasion anyways.

Life streams have a different feel to it, because they are not episodic. Grumps record 10 minutes, take a break and then record the next episode. Because of that, every episode feels like an individual episode. A stream is a continuing thing. The entire stream feels like one experience. It doesn't get effected by me being able to watch it a few days later.

I'll give you that, livestreams do have a different feel to them but again I say they're more like the long episodes they do (Endless Ocean, Dog Island, that one Wind Waker episode) I will admit that they don't do them often enough though. Honestly I have no objective argument against you here, it all comes down to personal preference with that one. Some people prefer the experience of a livestream and that's as valid as anything.

I live in a different time zone. When they make their streams, it's usually between 2-5 am in the morning. If it wasn't for people uploading their streams on Youtube, I wouldn't have been able to watch them at all.

That does sound shitty, I will admit but they can't schedule themselves around the world's time differences. This is probably the biggest argument for archiving the live streams but the grumps have the same mentality as me (You have to be there) and I would say that majority of their fans who are interested in watching the live stream do get to watch it so going against their mindset and archiving them just for the sake of the minority who didn't get to see it wouldn't really fly with them. You have to remember that GameGrumps is a business when you get right down to it and appealing to the majority so they can make money is what most businesses care about. If appealing to the minority isn't worth the effort for the income it will generate they won't do it. Is it shitty? Yeah, but that's how it is.

Then explain to me why most others archive their streams? There is obviously a demand, why don't the Grumps give the people what they want, like they promised? It doesn't hurt anybody and it doesn't make anyone's experience of the live stream worse. Seriously, I don't get what your issue is. It takes absolutely no effort and there is literally not a single downside in doing so. On the contrary, you don't give people on the other side of the globe the feeling they aren't worth as much as the people who happen to live in the same timezone.

Because other youtubers have different mindsets than the Grumps. It's all personal decision, they don't do it for whatever reason and that's just how it is. Am I complacent? Yeah, probably but I'm also happy that they even produce content in the first place so complaining that you don't get this extra thing is like crying because you didn't get a second serving of turkey on Thanksgiving. Be happy that you even got a first plate. And "what my issue is"? I don't have an issue, that's the whole point of my original post. I was simply giving my opinion on the matter. I didn't bash anyone for not liking the choices the grumps make nor did I say that they are doing the right thing (Case in point, "Unpopular OPINION")

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