Swear I’m the only one here who didn’t make a financial mistake. Both these boxes paid themselves off my first paycheck after buying them. Snap on rep is dying to get me into a box. Only upgrade I’ll be doing is to a HF 72”

I am about to outfit a bunch of my house with a designer modular cabinet/shelving system - Vitsoe 606 - from a German company. They have what they call transparent pricing - no sales, no discounts, the price is the same for everyone. Every piece in the system is also built as near to carbon neutral as is possible by workers making a living wage. There moto is “living better with less.” It’s the pinnacle of modular storage solutions and been in continuous production since 1961.

Outfitting both the wife’s office and my office, plus an entertainment center and storage system for the living room and an solution for my hifi record player and personal items is less than a large Snap-On cabinet. This shit’s high design and less per square inch of storage then Snap-On tool storage.

I can understand a high quality tool - I have Snap-On ratchets amongst other tools - but their tool box prices never made sense to me. I guess most folks don’t play full price, but I could never justify the price when I was wrenching.

/r/Justrolledintotheshop Thread Link - i.imgur.com