I swear that we're going back in time

Because your motivation to even be upset enough to comment negatively about it shows you care enough about the "double standard" to talk about it. You'd only care enough if you felt personally affronted by it. If you feel personally affronted by it, that's because you think it's "unfair" that there's a double standard, which means you've given no thought or given no credence to the idea that black people HAVE been mistreated in this country and continue to, and therefore deserve the opportunity to express themselves in ways different than white people, which means you are by default attempting to extend and defend the status quo, which means at least a small part of you is still exhibiting latent and societal racism. You might not be hostile toward black people, but your very comment shows your inability to see things from others perspective.

And I should tell you I am a 32 year old white man. I do not carry guilt for what my ancestors may or may not have done. I am merely pointing out a fact about or country. Equality takes time, it's not automatic. You want everything to be "equal" and you see this type of racist gathering as some sort of double standard that prevents equality from being achieved. In a way, you are right, but this kind of double standard has to continue until black people don't feel second class. It's a long an arduous process. One of the signs that we've finally reached this threshold will be when people like you stop complaining about the double standard. You feelings of anger and frustration over this show that we haven't reached that point yet. Ingrained racism lives in all of us.

/r/CringeAnarchy Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it