SweetAnita tweets update on her stalker

Thanks for this thread. Unfortunately I'm in a similar situation except In my own situation, I am the person that is in a para-social situation with a streamer. I managed to step back before things really did get too late and am currently in psychology.

I've stopped talking to her or interacting with her a while ago, and things are maybe healing.

This thread gave me some needed perspective. I don't think anyone likes to admit that they're mentally ill, or hurting someone. but this could also happen to anyone, mental illness can evolve over time. I don't think this is something you're born with - it's a circumstance of your environment and circumstances in your own life.

Basically, yes, clinging to twitch streamers and forming parasocial relationships with them isn't just a bad thing, it's creepy, it's not okay, and it can turn into things like this, stalking.

No matter how lonely you are, remember that these are human beings and they decide who they want to be friends with. If they do not want to talk to you or be your friend, if they do not want to care about you. Then you should step back and accept that, and leave them alone. You're only hurting yourself if you persist or try to make someone care about you. You do step into this delusional rabbit hole.

I think most people with some common sense and a fucking brain can step back before they cross every single red line. For me the red line I never wanted to cross was using a VPN and lying to the person in my own situation.

  • but a lot of people can't and don't stop, they step over every fucking red line like those don't even exist, they aren't considerate at all, they have no care for others at all. I don't know how someone can step over that many red lines unless they genuinely do have combined mental illness, like sociopathy.
/r/LivestreamFail Thread Link - twitter.com