Switching over to Roo

I did FF in ‘15 and ‘16 and bonnaroo in ‘14 and ‘19. The FF lineups were great the years I went (especially 2016). Plus it was only 2 hrs from my house, and the weather was nice(r than in Tennessee). It was just less of a hassle than driving all the way down to roo, and the music was pretty solid.

That said, I came back to roo last year and was reminded how much it blows FF out of the water. The production is infinitely better - so much to do and explore at every hour of the day, wonderful people, amazing food, honest positivity, etc etc etc. And the lineup always has plenty to keep anyone sufficiently jamming.

In 2016, I thought FF and roo were bringing similar lineup vibes, but since then FF has really fallen off music-wise imo. Without that, they’re really not in the same conversation anymore for me.

/r/bonnaroo Thread