Why is it taboo to talk about Reddit in public?

From the previous linked thread:

Here's my most memorable.



Wichhunting is actively allowed in subs like those. Hell they even mention my username, and users happily brigaded my profile. This is not the first time it's happening too.



Transcript of image:

Marisa, I'm speaking to you, the woman who exists in actual life. Who is breathing now.

Get raped by someone you trust Marisa. Get used for your pussy and held down and have the hole between your legs invaded by a "friend" who only wanted one thing.

I hope you get hurt Marisa, if I was with you right now, I'd get a huge hardon from frightening you. PM me your phone number if you want to be touched on public transportation by a stranger.




Dude, you're a Nazi. You can't tell me what to do. Fuck off bitch. I plea the 1st amendment. You're going to end up dead in September anyway. Have fun fag. BTW, you can't stop me from speaking on Reddit. I'll just make a new account. If you IP ban me then I'll just change my IP. I'd also be careful about who you threaten over the internet. You're lucky I'm nice otherwise I'd have your ass DOX'ed. Let this be your warning by trying to violate my Constitution rights.


Here's album I used to maintain regularly:


In the instances of shadowbans, the shadowban was used against users continuously making new accounts to spam our modmail with death threats and abuse.

Take it all with a grain of salt, not really sure if any of it is real faked, or taken out of context to play the victim.

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread Parent