Taking COMP4920, COMP6080, COMP6771 for term 1

COMP6080's workload is pretty rough. I've seen many people drop out near the end because of Ass3. However, this course is really rewarding and is by far my favourite course at UNSW (May be biased, am a tutor for this course). Regardless, make sure to clear your calenders for this course if you aim to go over HD.

COMP6771 workload I found to be pretty balanced, but I can see someone have a hard time especially if their time management is poor and have trouble understanding C++.

COMP4920 had very limited work to do when I did it with Sebastian in 23T1. Though if you get into a group of anchors for the group project portion, you're gonna have a bad time (since it's 50% ass1 and 50% for group project when I did it)

If you feel like you have good time management, and am interested in learning about C++ and Frontend (JavaScript, React), then I'd say it's totally possible for you to survive.

Good luck, and maybe see you around in COMP6080 if you stick with it :)

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