Talk to me about "elective" (non-medical) inductions

I went to 42 weeks and my body just wasn't kicking into labour. I decided to get medical help via IV in an attempt to start labour. I cried about the loss of my natural birth and asked myself (and posted on Reddit asking ) if my "body wasn't ready" etc.

When do we get to let go of the guilt of being ready? 42 weeks? 41? I still haven't been able to do a birth story because everything went to shit for me. Not only did I have to be induced but I worked through days of incredible pain hoping and telling myself it was worth it because the pain meant my body was progressing and I'd get to at least avoid surgery. Then my uterus began to get exhausted from days of intense contractions, then I was rushed into emergency c section. I cannot tell you how much I've cried and beat myself up about what is wrong with my body, why wasn't I able to do the simplest thing , the thing my body is supposed to be designed for? I don't think 2 weeks earlier would've saved me from a c section but I do think lack of progression is more common than women realize and to tie it to being induced after the 38th week is unfair.

/r/BabyBumps Thread