Taylor Cares A lot

You do realize it's worse that it's a business?

The point why we say it's not the individual's fault is for us folks consuming un-green products for cheap basic needs etc. that has negligible impact.

A private jet is not a basic need. It's far from negligible compared to ours. Also the least economic means of transpo.

It's the same as advocating for more trains instead of single-used cars. Except, we already have enough commercial lines to fit private jet riders. Several A-listers fly commercial.

The gov't's fault is ignoring rich people's use of private jets w/o dedicated carbon emission policy. It's not a strawman. It's directly pointing out a problem. It's ignored with the obv reason that private jet owners are powerful people.

Glad it is being brought out now. Idk why we should care about rich people hurting over internet words. I'd say a larger distraction is that news like this are turned into rage baits. Spreading actual news with some nuanced inaccuracies (Swift speaks climate change, or it's not fully private, it's business! wrong news!) so people would just fight over correcting the inaccuracy instead. Idek if this passes as rage baits bc of how miniscule the baits are but fans would still itch to correct them. It's like a free extended PR team.

And this is literally r/anticonsumption. Dunno how this is contributing specifically to excessive consumption. A private jet rider/sideline ultra-rich folks aviation business is a high horse big ass consumer, no? She's an innocent individual like the rest of us, Nestlé formula milk buyers, yes?

/r/Anticonsumption Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it