A teen accused of raping 13 girls. Social media records of 3 victims shows that the three girls talked about "teaching him a lesson" by having him arrested. One of the girls even said "this is going to be so much fun <3".

But with rape there isn't going to be a missing body or stolen items. It leaves literally no evidence unless extremely violent or medical tests are carried out immediately.

Why don't you fuck off to theredpill or somewhere else that is about giving men preferential treatment. Men deserve equal rights to women. And in a case where people are accused of rape and there is the possiblity that it happened it needs to be fully investiagted. Gender shouldn't even come into it. I'd be saying the same if this was a group of guys and a girl who had raped a boy.

I think you will find that if someone says they saw a murder or were attacked, the police will investigate it before dismissing it. If no body turns up, etc then you are right. BUT HOW ARE THE GOING TO KNOW IF THERE IS EVIDENCE WITHOUT INVESTIGATING FIRST GENIUS?

You are talking out your arse and you a piece of subhuman shit if you think rape shouldn't be investigated because some people try to manipulate the system for revenge, attention, etc. Be pissed off with those people and punish them.

What about when a husband rapes his wife in an abusive marriage? Shoudl we just say "lol no evidence love".

Honestly I have never said this ever on the internet, in over a decade of being active online because it is kind of pointless, but if you said this shit to my face I would kick the shit out of you you utter cunt.

Rape is something that ruins lives, sorry if rape actually happening and therefore accusations needing to be investiagted disturbs the idealised and prejudiced bubble you have created for yourself.

Maybe one day you or a loved one will be raped. And then people can tell you "there is no evidence, you are probably making it up, the police shouldn't investigate it as you didn't immediately go to the police because you were in shock and perhaps suffering from PTSD so it is just your word". Perhaps you can imagine your wife or girlfriend after having being raped, going home in shock and tears, no one is there to support her, she is scared to go to the police because she has heard they treat you like a criminal isntead of a victim in rape interviews, eventually you and her friends persuade her it is best, she goes and they tell her it is too late to find evidence, especially as the rapist used a condom.

So now what? Would you want the police to look into it further? Or just say "welp, no hard evidence is immediately available so we aren't going to waste our time investigating".

Is that fair for your girlfriend/loved one/sister/whatever? That they don't even attempt to look into it because she reacted like a huge amount of human beings after being brutally attacked and going into a state of shock.

Now I'm not saying that is applicable to this case but surely that highlights why your stance of "hard evidence or no investigation" doesn't work. And how do you think they can find evidence without looking into it, I don't believe you can be that stupid surely?

I'm not saying convict without evidence, I'm saying investigate to find all evidence possible. Only someone who is sadistic or really fucking dumb would disagree with that.

Of course the boy shouldn't be convicted on their word alone and the girls should be punished fully if they turn out to be lying. But I've never claimed otherwise. You are literally only arguing against the idea that claims should be investigated.

Also I don't think you understand how evidence works. If someone steals from you without breaking anything and leaving DNA then there is no evidence anything is gone. Only your word against nothing. Yet it should still be investigated yes? Or should the police demand everyone proves accusations they make first? "Help I'm being domestically abused", "can you please provide a video of the abuse before we come and help you". It's just fucking dumb so you are either a troll or are someone who hasn't even spent 2 minutes thinking about what they are saying and applying that rationality to other areas.

Fuck you. Go back to the redpill with all the other butthurt manchildren and misogynists. This is about EQUAL AND FAIR treatment of men NOT PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT.

/r/MensRights Thread Parent Link - fox10phoenix.com