Tesla Daily Discussion - August 23, 2019

Look I don't know what to tell you except that you are very obviously wrong from what I've seen.

I personally leave mine on 4 and it's a little under 2 seconds behind the car in front of me at speed.

I've done the tests as well, and it's about half a second at 1, close to a second at 2, a little over at 3, and about 2 seconds at 4, with it getting around 3 and a tad at 6.

You can condescendingly tell me more about how it's hard to judge distances at speed, or about what is recommended, but it doesn't change how it's clearly not 1 second per number.

I'm not sure what else you want from me. And I genuinely don't understand how you think otherwise. But in the end I guess we are just gonna have to disagree? Unless the distance changes significantly between cars or something, but what you are saying is clearly wrong.

And get off your high horse about being rude. I can literally see with my own eyes how I'm right, I've literally counted it out myself. What else am I supposed to say when someone tells you they measured it and it was significantly different from what I literally measured and experienced myself? "Oh good try friend! Maybe you'll get closer next time!"

Either you're lying, you're nuts, or Tesla following distances differ significantly between cars. And I'm leaning toward one of the first 2.

Good luck in life dude!

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