Tesla Waterpipe

Just bought five grams of well cured sour diesel yesterday. It varies quite a lot from town to town. I'm in Gothenburg, which is the second largest city and with good connections to continental Europe, and I haven't gotten anything except really good weed here for 5 years now. Smaller towns furter north are in a tougher situation.

Since a few years back the market is focused on marijuana, which is mostly grown in secret grow-op houses on the countryside. Fairly recently we became self-sufficient, meaning the market no longer relied on import to sustain itself. Before this time, most of our cannabis was hashish smuggled from morocco through Europe which was generally of pretty "meh" quality by the time it got this far north.

Supply is steadier than it was before, too. 10 years ago, it wasn't uncommon that you had to track down 3-4 different dealers before you found one that was actually holding at the moment, and then you'd go all the way across town for a small piece of pretty shitty hash. Nowadays it's always weed, and allways well-cured quality stuff. The dealers are more organized and professional, and some even offer delivery to you by car.

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