Texas student newspaper blasted over anti-white 'Your DNA is an abomination' column

These students...are there to get a degree and become a leader in our society.

We can still prevent that, though. If we change the cultural conversation so that someone with a gender studies or ethnic studies or social justice degree is laughed out of every interview they go into...then we can prevent these nutcases from becoming leaders in our society. Because these aren’t the chemistry and math majors churning out these kinds of op eds in the College newspapers. These are the ones in majors where you learn literally no job skills and get nothing but a four year course of study in social criticism. If we as a society and as a culture don’t respect that kind of nonsense degree, then there won’t be a ladder there for them climb when they get out. And yes, maybe they will have a few crappy years after they graduate, but eventually they will grow up and go back to school for and associates degree or some job training, and they’ll get a real degree, leading to a real job. They shouldn’t be rewarded by society in any way for studying a bunch of useless crap for four years, regardless of how much money they stupidly borrowed to do it — that’s on them.

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