When No One Really Knows What Health Care Will Cost, Prices Skyrocket

This is like UCR reimbursement in dental insurance. That’s got to be insanely complicated to administer since the number of CPT codes is so much larger than ADA codes.

The office can work you up an estimate of a root canal and crown in about 15 minutes. I can’t even imagine what that would like for a course of cancer treatment with a surgical removal followed by radiation and/or chemo. If you don’t do that up front, you’re going to get these huge bills for everything above the UCR rate that no one told you is coming. Oof.

Then you get into a weird situation if you do the work up with costs - at the dentist, they also always work up the extraction. What do you do here - “I want the surgery but not the radiation.”

/r/Conservative Thread Parent Link - thefederalist.com