Thanks to tapping the missed call notification I was able to return a lost Iphone

That's humanity using things that are presented to them as appropriate devices for the everyday user to use. I suppose your nearest analogy would be when people started having electricity installed. A friend will tell me how his mother would push cloth between the electrical outlets to stop the electricity leaking out. In the context of her gas outlets, her logic is impeccable.

We're clever, I know. We can install Xcode, push different builds hither and thither, setup temporary this and that, do whatever... but when you're a 50-year-old grandad who can't work out why his pictures of his granddaughter have gone missing because he didn't understand why 'myname-yearIWasBorn' was a bad password, you're into new territory.

Apple pushes their tech at this market. The market needs education. Perhaps they'll be brave enough to go for the middle ground: not the experienced, not the 'new coders' - the... I don't know what to call them. The dozers?

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