That'll show 'em.

/UJ I am not fan of posting my "woke" ideas on this circlejerk, i haven't and i won't. I am just getting the vibe lately that everything is getting tainted and perveted by lucrative attempts to appear "correct" in the eyes of a political party and i am just tired of it! Sorry that I am not a "woke" person. I prefer a simpler take on things for the sake of anger management. That post, I posted it as a rhetorical question. Your argument is a hundred percent valid and correct! I am just feeling everything around us has started having different meaning than it originally had by force. I have just given up pointing these things and instead avoid any, in our case, company that has such ties. It helped a lot with my anger management problem. It has to be the first time I am surpassing a 5 lines serious reply in this circlejerk and I feel dirty... I will probably delete these two posts of mine later on, for I feel like I have tainted the fun I and others have in this /r with my rhetorical questions and answers.

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