That's kinda the point. Stop buying shit people...

America really need to have an intervention when it comes to debt. The American way of financing of everything, maxing out of credit cards & putting down 0% of a house is not healthy or sustainable financial behavior.

People are so accustomed to being indebted that they can’t imagine a world where they may have to cut back on spending or consumption habits to mitigate the cost of debt on their life.

It’s gonna be like sending a junkie to rehab. The average American will have consumption withdrawals, and will probably OD on debt (I.e. foreclosures & bankruptcy), if they don’t cut this shit out, now.

Believe it or not, the Fed has to raise interest rates to prevent the economy from collapsing. This is 100% necessary. People getting angry about this are like petulant children who are mad at their parents that they can’t eat cake for breakfast, lunch & dinner.

/r/REBubble Thread Link -