The_Donald claims Donald Trump was never accused of being a racist until recently. Someone shows he's been proven in court 3 times to be a racist since the 1970s. Mods delete comment within minutes out of fear.

This will probably be met with my most downvotes to date, but fuck it I'll play:

(oh and just because it somehow matters to small-minded people, I am half Hispanic and a woman, and was born 10 minutes from the Mexican border).

RE: Here are the links: Donald Trump was sued in the 1973 for housing discrimination In 1992 his casino lost a workplace discrimination lawsuit, to the tune of $200,000 He still believes he was right about the Central Park 5 took out full page ads calling for the return of lynching and condemning them

As someone in construction and development, let me tell you: you get sued, constantly.... you are constantly being sued. It's not a joke; that's the game. I was filed two different suits last month that are laughable and have absolutely zero merit, yet I am sure I will be paying out at least tens of thousands of dollars to make them go away. If being sued = guilty, pretty much every business owner in construction or development is guilty or everything under the sun. Everyone is a racist, everyone is a criminal, everyone is a monster, I must be too. I’m going to try to go through these links: 1. No penalty assessed and he worked with the DOJ to “make things better moving forward”… That is not a guilty verdict by any stretch. In a situation like this, that is the best possible outcome. The DOJ doesn't fuck around, and if you are wealthy and have a suit filed against you, regardless of validity you almost always make concessions. This happened when he just started, and was in his 20’s in a company that was largely run by his father. The ending is extremely ambiguous, where they cite 2 developments that had a large white percentage of people living there. That’s picking and choosing if I have ever seen it, as there were hundreds of developments. Also Salon? Can we find a real news source, please? I’m not claiming that this didn’t happen, but Salon is one of the worst, moist biased, and fraudulent “news” sources out there. They go out of their way to omit information that does not fit the agenda they are pushing, and they push hard. They kind of trail off with “well, nobody knows what really happened…” 2. Very easily Trump had nothing to do with this whatsoever. According to the case the managers removed a black dealer because he “offended" some racist piece of shit. This very well could have happened for those reasons, however it doesn't mean Donald Trump was standing there personally wringing his hands in delight. As a business owner, you hire people you think will make good judgements. This doesn't always happen, and you get fucked. When you operate billions of dollars’ worth of companies, bad shit happens. To say he is responsible for this personally because of HIS racism, is to say Obama is responsible directly for the Pulse shooting. "Well, why didn't he know?" "Doesn't he hire people who make sure this kind of shit doesn't happen"?? When you are a business owner, the buck stops with you, regardless if you actually had anything to do with what happened. That is the risk of being a “great” person, there is much liability. 3. Central Park 5 – At the time he wrongly thought these teens had violently raped a woman into a coma. The city officials and press were pushing that narrative heavily. Do you never trust the justice system or the press? You are above it all? I agree, in light of the real truth his comments are troubling and were probably said in anger, but if the truth was what everyone claimed it to be at the time – his comments would not be that inflammatory. Calling for bringing back the death penalty for a mass rape conviction by known criminals is hardly the same thing as calling for “bringing back lynching”. I am trying to think what I would have said, to friends or coworkers, if I was in the same situation at the time, and honestly I don’t know. We all assume we are free thinkers and can see things clearly for what they are, but clearly we can’t or nobody would ever be wrongly convicted. People are fallible and make mistakes in judgement. He said shit that he shouldn’t have said, I don’t think that makes him racist. 4. Now a Huffington Post article, almost as biased as Salon, about the same thing mentioned previously. Two sources claiming the same thing doesn’t make two different incidents. I am not saying Trump hasn’t done stupid or questionable shit in the past, but that doesn’t mean he is a racist. He has been a part of the black community, and given to black organizations for over 30 years. He was very close with several prominent black leaders. He was hiring women executives in construction well before that was “a thing” (I am a woman in construction, it is still very much a boy’s club). Consider your source and the context before you jump to conclusions. Hillary was best friends with Robert Byrd, former head of the KKK, and called young black males “super predators” that “need to be brought to heel” yet nobody accuses her of racism. Regardless of how you feel about Trump, he is fighting a multi-front war. The media, Washington, Hillary and even some of his own party are out to get him. I used to make fun of him constantly, saying on Facebook “Oh god I would vote for anyone except Trump!!” (I am an independent and vote between party lines)…. However, the more I have actually learned about him, it became harder to make fun of him. The more I saw the corruption in Hillary, the things she has done personally as well as politically, it disgusts me. Trump is not perfect, and is, I’ll admit, kind of absurd, but he is getting my vote

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