They say there are no stupid questions. They never got asked this.

I'm just going to be polite and point out the military is not really hard on intelligent people. I had a perfect score SAT, ASVAB and have a masters degree for the record. Suffice to say I am not dumb.

Your opinion has been colored by reddit (i love reddit but be honest it's a left wing group think tank) and movies and tv. Leadership loves smart people because the end result is going home to their families earlier or saving money. The whole herp derp military dumb just following orders shit is at best from the 80s but more likely from some tv show pushing an agenda.

Go nuts on stalking me. I wrote those stories to entertain and educate. I can't share a lot of stuff but I share what I can and one day when I'm old and senile I'll log in and be like wtf I did that?

I didn't retire they wanted to put me in teaching position and not an operational position for medical reasons (broken ass joints). They wanted me to teach as active duty military.... and i got out and did the same thing for about 66% more pay while I finished said masters degree. Now I'm back as a DoD civilian and living the good life. I couldn't have timed this whole carona virus thing better if I was a psychic.

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