There was a great post yesterday about what champions you are planning on maining in S7, I think we could expand on it a bit to really help out newer players!

Mid: 1. Kata. I'm sorta OTPing her at the moment, so I'd pick her into almost anything. 2. Lissandra. If Kata is banned or picked, or if the other team has like two CC abilities on each champion. Safe laning, helps with peeling and iniation, can save carries from assassins diving their asses. I sometimes do find it hard to be the only AP in the team when playing her, but I can't come up with a suitable third champion.

ADC: 1. Ashe. What can I say, I love perma slowing people. I don't really have a reason to pick her, I just like playing her. It think it's the importance of positioning and being AA based that makes her fun. I want to find another ADC to play but... three seasons in and no success :(

Support: 1. Lulu. I honestly don't think there's a bad time to pick her. She has poke & peel and her ult is invaluable. Spamming her laugh makes people mad, which is a bonus. There is better options at the moment tho, and the way her spells change depending on target gives her a bit higher skill cap. I might drop her for Nami tbh. She also comes with an infuriating laugh, and that is the most important quality in a support. 2. Braum. Need a bit of frontline? Braum is my pick. Also it's impossible to get upset when playing him, so he's THE cure for tilt.

/r/summonerschool Thread