I have a theory why Spez would so stupidly and blatantly edit comments, then immediately publicly admit to it... [x-post t_d]

well lets suppose /u/spez could not save pizzagate due to outside government force (likely since it runs DEEP). And the leaked modchat revealed that although he is not innocent, he's also more level headed than I thought. However, many of the mods/admins surrounding him were unbelievably corrupt. Boasting about missing their CTR paychecks, pressing non stop for censoring / suppression, and banning subs like The_donald and Le_pen.

Funny part is seeing how these mods treat spez though. They do not really treat him as a CEO authority figure... more like spoiled kids demanding their parent do something. And they probably got away with it so long that they are really brave about it.

I think if /u/spez wants to move forward he need to redeem himself at least a little... first by cutting out the corrupt mods. Like the CTR guy that told redditors earlier to take a shot gun and blow their balls off. he needs to go. Sure government forces may force him to close pizzagate but that's no excuse to have reddit itself be so shitty and corrupt too.

/r/conspiracy Thread