Why is there no newer film about the Siege of Sarajevo?

The whole Balkan wars could use not just a movie but like a high quality series, there are so many incredible twist and turns that if I didn't know better would think are made up.

Like when the Bosnian president randomly flew from Europe to the airport occupied by the Serbs, got captured but then was exchanged by the Yugoslav army commander and his staff that had gotten surrounded when they first entered Sarajevo and so the UN arranges a convoy for the exchange but in the middle the Bosnian soldiers mutiny, split the convoy and start shooting at some of the Serbs while a top general is trying by radio to get them to stop and the soldier on the other side tells him to go fuck himself, all recorded on camera.

There are so many betrayals and twist even outside the war that it seems straight out of Game of Thrones; when the Montenegro president got tempted by Italian offers of aid money but Milosevic found out and called him into his office to put him in place, when the Croats and the Bosnian Muslims were sort of allied against the Serbs since the start of the war but at a point the Croats turn on them and intern a lot of Bosniaks in horrific conditions but a few years later they ally again against the Serbs, when Milosevic was pushing hard for the Bosnian Serbs to accept a peace deal and everything was going right meeting with their congress when a hardcore nationalist general puts up a map showing all the territory they would be giving up and then they turn on Milosevic, leave him out of their meeting and end up rejecting the deal. The list just goes on and on.

The Death of Yugoslavia is an astonishing documentary that I wonder why the whole things hasn't been dramatized in the screen in a major production, hell they wouldn't even have to dramatize much at all when real life events were already so dramatic, horrible and sometimes unbelievable.

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