Why is there not a popup when you receive a commend?

you have an inferiority complex. that's not healthy. you're speaking definitively about something that's at least partially subjective and entirely relative. you have an issue. seriously. you have an issue. it is not the talk of a mentally healthy person to go around saying everything is shit. this is a serious problem in the dota community. it is not good for you. you have a completely warped view of the world where only like 10 people out of 13 million can be good at a thing. its not accurate. its not healthy. you are a problem. your outlook is toxic. it is not healthy. it brings down the entire community. you need to seriously look at yourself. as for the entire "telling me i'm bad makes me try harder" thing.... no it doesn't. it discourages you. you play dota because it makes you happy. you will play more dota if it makes you happier. you will be better if you play more dota. therefore, understanding you are not crap at dota means you will actually play better dota because you will likely play more dota and enjoy it better and not worry about how bad you are at it. you'll likely focus on the game more. what you're saying is unhealthy. seriously. think about what you're saying. think about what you're doing. it is not good for you. and it is bad for the community. AND PLEASE DO NOT THINK I'M ATTACKING YOU. I have this problem to some extent. when it gets too bad i take a break from dota. right now i'm playing overwatch instead. i probably will be for the next month or maybe even until the monkey king patch. this problem is wide spread. but it truly is a problem. it causes problems in games and it ruins people's enjoyment. i almost exclusively play ranked but even i recognize this hyper competitive attitude is not really hyper competitive so much as stiflingly negative. I'm a pessimist, but i realize this. When this outlook starts bleeding into your real life it basically means you need therapy.

Heres a wall that u made way back, thats a legit reply to u. just stop nobody cares ROFL ya sure nobody cares no wonder u are here trying be an attention whore attacking me LMAO while we are just doing reddit stuff which is debating .

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