There is a teenager on Reddit right now who will become famous - causing future historians to pour over his dank memes looking for clues to write his biography.

Well, I'm not really sure because as far as I'm aware there haven't been any real tests to see how fast a change can occur once you warp something's DNA. But I'd think not 'too' long. As long as it would take for the cells to adapt to their new functions. So a few hours, maybe a few days I'd guess.

Now onto the things you could do with these abilities. Well, it gets quite extreme as you think of it. Like imagine being able to warp the DNA of an organism while having absolute control of it. You could work small with a single celled bacteria or a virus. I could create counter agents to any and every bacteria or virus in the world if I desired, but just as easily combine an extremely deadly disease with the contagiousness of the common cold. Hell I could try to create a disease to wipe out very specific types of people. But this ability just gets more crazy the higher you go. What's to stop me from going bigger than a single celled organism? If I can absorb and learn from bacteria and viruses, why cant I absorb and learn from plants, or animals for that matter. I could attempt to create a new ecosystem, highly efficient plants to absorb CO2 and sunlight into creating food to fuel my animal creations that are mixes from many different species into creating whatever I desire. For example an expert killing machine. Think the new Jurassic park honestly. I could create the perfect killing machines. The entire forest fuels my beasts of war. There is no way to easily stop these things from the source, because I'm all doing this from the safety of my bedroom because I can control my cells from afar.

I've been thinking of this quite recently as you may guess. One thing I've been contemplating is that if these are all my cells. Am I controlling them from my first human body? Am I the master of this swarm of organisms, or am I all of these organisms combined? Am I relying purely on the synapses of my host body, or am I the combined synapses of the entire cluster? Am I one person controlling many, or am I now a hive mind? If it's the former, I could easily be stopped, kill the host and the swarm will become uncontrolled, for better or worse. If the latter however I am nigh unstoppable. Because I'm not bound to land, therefore crabs, fish, whales, dolphins, sharks, all the life of the sea could come under my control. I could become all of these things. little plants in coral reefs housing the furthest reaches of my consciousness. Humans themselves wouldn't even technically be anything special from my ability to warp. I could create super soldiers that would use humanities technology against itself.

Simply put I could probably conquer the world if I so desired. Although in all seriousness if it actually happened I'd conquer the natural world, but I would use my biological powers to help humanity. Curing diseases and finding ways to fix things and make humans better. Develop a breed of flies with a particularly powerful, deadly, but non contagious virus in order to kill particularly dangerous people. That's the hope at least, but absolute power corrupts absolutely. I'd probably still conquer the world eventually. -shrugs-

TLDR: Warping the DNA of cells to how I see fit + being able to learn the DNA of other organisms + the ability to remotely control all of these cells without being directly there = OP as fuck.

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