These Will Be the Most Popular Jobs in the Future (infographic)

Neuro-Implant Technician -- Nope. Hackers will invent and D.I.Y. Battelle DroneDefender type weapons which will destroy implants and cybernetics as well as erase all the data stored.Why? Because it is fun to be mean. At the same time Regen Tek CrispyCure(stem cell and CRISPR) will render implants and bionic prosthetics unnecessary. This is also why the robots will never take over. Regardless of the shielding, hackers are always one step ahead in destroying or reprogramming drones and WarDogBots.

Smart-Home Handyperson: Nope. Nobody is dumb enough to have to hire a person to install smart devices on existing appliances such as a web camera in the fridge to see what you need to stock, or report entrances, control light, temperature, whatever. Not only will everybody raised with smart phones be able to install their own smart devices, something is coming called D.I.Y. electronics. That's where you make your own devices with 4D Multi-MaterialPrinters and improve them in online socialNet clubs. People will also build their own diswashing, clotheswashing stations, quadruped robot maids that dust, vacuum, pick up and fold clothes, as well as load and unload diswashers and set tables.

Virtual Reality Experience Designer -- Nope. Nobody is going to pay you for what people do free online.

Freelance Professor -- Nope. Face to face teaching is going to be a job in the future but it will be one of the few jobs left. Nobody is going to be able to freelance in such a crowded job field where Basic Income UBI requires you to participate in life long education. Classrooms will be traditional 30 people to a room. All homework and study will take place in the room at your own pace. the class will be 40 minutes devoted to one subject. There will be frequent breaks for round table discussions and demonstrations to your instructor and the other students of what you learn. Research and development will take place in the same type of classroom format. These classrooms are not only for learning but for creating something new.

Urban Farmers -- Nope. Sure you'll be able to garden around your living quarters for food. But mass production of food will be done by AgraBots. They will till, plant, and harvest.

Terabyters -- Nope. Everyone will have 24 hour / 7 days a week video cameras clipped to their chests which record any kind of crime, or wild event. You're not paid for that.

Nano-Medics -- Nope. Single cell diagnostics is conducted by Artificial Intelligence. The medical jobs will be in consulting patients, care giving, and surgeons who use robotic tools to guide and manage operations.

Train Engineers -- Yes. Machines break all the time and people die. So humans will always be needed to watch machines carefully. Trains will not change much from the way they are operated now in Japan.

In summary, The only jobs soldier-police-guard citizen -- Why? Hackers can hack robots to shoot us. So robots with guns are banned.

care-giver-doctor-therapist-sports trainer -- Why? Because robots break and people die. Humans don't really want to be cared for by robots.

Retail sales person -- Why? People want consultation on what to wear, what to do.

robotics-transportation engineer -- Why? Because robots break and though robots will be able to repair themselves, human beings need to observe and manage the overall process in an executive capacity.

teacher -- Why? Because people learn best through human interaction. Sure they will learn at their own pace with Khan Academy style instruction videos. But people need to discuss and get creative with each other, not A.I.

I just described the future of all employment. There will be no jobs but human interactive ones. UBI/Basic Income will only exist in a military system. Why? Because if you give people stuff for free, they become fat and stupid because they don't have to exercise and continue school. That means another group of people who force their citizens to exercise and study will easily conquer groups of people do don't.

Because we can not allow rogue governments to build weapons of mass destruction, there must be a military world federation of nations that police and govern over each other. If not, we will all be destroyed by nations like North Korea who will eventually learn to build nukes.

This is our choice. Free and separate rogue nations that murder and rape each other and people of your nation too, or a unified World Federation. Only 2 choices. And we should make that choice now before it is too late.

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