Thieves Guild max level?

Wow, rant much?

Yep. But you're one to talk, given that you gave your unsolicited opinion to a guy who answered your easily google-able question in no more than 14 characters - leading me to conclude that you came here only to complain in the first place, so my sassy rebuttal is far from uncalled-for.

But those repeatables need some work is all.

No, they don't, and I'm not even going to entertain the possibility that that sentiment comes from anywhere but a place of supreme lethargy, entitlement, and contrarianism when we are literally talking about seconds of additional time.

-It is good that the thieves guild repeatables send you back into zones you would otherwise have no reason to return to.

-It is good that that the quests require you to interact with in-game objects and NPCs instead of just with your UI, to improve your sense of immersion.

-It is good that ZOS didn't make the Thieves Guild in Abah's Landing any easier to get to than it already is so that players wouldn't exploit its ease of access when stealing in the rest of the world, incentivizing players to use the nearby outlaws refuges.

They aren't particularly hard, just tedious.

And yet you didn't call for them to be made more interesting, or challenging, or fun, you wanted them to be made "easier to do", going so far as to complain about the walk inside the thieves guild from the entrance to the board.

Sorry, not sorry. These fetch quests are already incredibly easy, and I see no reason to believe that if they made the thieves guild smaller, or more accessible or whatever, that you wouldn't find something else to complain about.

Next time just send your feedback to ZOS and let that be the end of it. We don't want to hear you whine about how lazy you are.

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