Thinking about investing in stocks

1. Doesn't matter.
2. Stocks seem kind of expensive, but not as much as before, and anyway pretty much all assets all over the world seem kind of expensive. Better to not even try to time the market.
3. Fine.
4. Almost everything people will tell you is bullshit. Anyone who really knew how to make tons of easy money would also be smart enough to keep their mouth shut about it. Don't try to day trade- 95% of individual investors underperform the market. Don't even try to pick stocks. All you have to do is put your money in an index ETF- and in the Philippines there's only one of those: First Metro Philippine Equity ETF. The management fee is .5% compared to 2% for mutual funds, and there is absolutely no reason to expect a mutual fund to perform any better over the long run. All the ETF does is buy shares of the 30 stocks in the PSEi. You should also peso cost average by putting the same amount in at regular intervals, say every quarter you add 10k. That way you end up buying more shares when the price is lower and fewer when the price is higher.
/r/Philippines Thread