Third Grade Youth Football Coaches Fight

I've got kids. They play sports. We go with "no parent" coaches for exactly this reason, so kids don't get dad (or mom) dictating who should play (regardless if it's 3rd grade or high school) because the score is beside the point here. See u/jimmycorn24's comment. Sports for kids is a life teaching aspect and kids need to learn that you shouldn't expect anything to just get handed to you, including a football, just because your dad is the coach or if you're winning 100-0. And I was talking about high school and I've got no qualms saying I wasn't good enough to carry the ball in a game. I wasn't big enough or fast enough and simply played because I enjoyed it and made life long friends, but I sure didn't blame anyone because I wasn't gifted enough to be any good at it. And I definitely didn't want my parents asking if I could get Special treatment because we were winning by a lot or not. Now if this kid tried like "Rudy" and the coach felt like he should get that chance, great. But again, I don't condone name calling or degrading a kid or person of any age or fighting on the sideline, just that the coach makes the call, right or wrong and you have to go with that decision in sports sometimes. Just my personal opinion and how I feel.

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