Thoughts #1, from zai

Let me preface this by saying that as your typical redditor. I find this drama hilarious, in a sad kind of way. From a certain point of view I don't mind if it goes on with more people making asses of themselves.

With that said, these players are acting very flippantly when so much is at stake. Just look at the price pool from TI5. Dota2 isn't just some game, it's a multi-million dollar industry. I'll continue under the assumption that these players don't merely play for fun, but with the goal of winning and taking as big a piece of that pot as possible. These players have a once in a life time chance, so why are they more concerned with airing dirty laundry?

Valve should include media training as a requirement to participate in TI or the majors. If you look at anyone involved in this particular "drama", what have anyone involved gained? Being right? Everyone comes out looking a bit worse, on top off potentially burning bridges. When the next "super team" is formed and you aren't picked because of your (perceived?) attitude, what then?

Quite frankly, I don't care who's right or wrong. Maybe Kuroky is a cancer, maybe, maybe. Does it matter? If you are no longer playing with him, why are you starting all this?

With regards to Zai's statement

There is already a major flaw in players talking about internal issues with the public, because in reality there is no incentive for these things to be said, other than to publicly create an opinion which is destructive for the receiving end. There is but one ideal reasoning behind going public with these things and it’s the only, in my opinion, justifiable one. That is to publicly address a general flawed opinion on a certain problem, that is, to deem that the public deserves to know the actualities of a matter, to blatantly point out and correct an opinion which is incorrect.

This is basically stating that if you think you are correct, then you can go ahead and flung mud. I suspect that both sides think they are right. Congratulations on achieving nothing worthwhile but slinging said mud. It's a bit of a shame, because he was spot on when he described reddit. Yet, he doesn't seem to have taken his own lesson to heart. The only thing his thoughts have done is to include Zai himself in the drama, adding further confusion. For what? What do you intend to achieve?

As a player you gain nothing by doing what Arteezy is doing. Even if you are right you still cement your reputation as a drama magnet. Of course it is shitty if everyone walks around with the wrong assumption. But this debacle surely haven't made things better? Players should simply not interact with the community, especially if they are too immature to not be baited by the mob.

Don't cut off your nose to spite the face.

/r/DotA2 Thread Link -